Can Pigs Eat Orange Peels?

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If you’ve ever found yourself peeling an orange and wondering if your pigs would enjoy that leftover rind, you’re not alone. Many pig owners question what scraps and leftovers are safe for their animals. So, can pigs eat orange peels? Yes, pigs can eat orange peels, but there are some important considerations to keep in mind before you start tossing them into the pig pen.

The Benefits of Orange Peels for Pigs

Pigs are natural foragers and can eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and even their peels. Orange peels have some nutritional benefits for pigs:

  • Fiber: Orange peels are a good source of fiber, which can help with digestion.
  • Vitamin C: While pigs, unlike guinea pigs, produce their own vitamin C, an extra boost from orange peels can still contribute to their overall health.
  • Antioxidants: Orange peels contain antioxidants that can help boost the immune system and promote general health.

The Risks of Feeding Orange Peels to Pigs

While orange peels are generally safe for pigs, there are a few risks to consider:

  • Pesticides and Chemicals: Most commercially available oranges are treated with pesticides and waxes. These chemicals can remain on the peel and may be harmful if ingested in large quantities. Always wash the oranges thoroughly or consider using organic oranges.
  • Digestive Upset: While pigs have strong digestive systems, too much orange peel can lead to digestive upset, including gas, bloating, or diarrhea.
  • Bitter Taste: Orange peels can be quite bitter, and some pigs might not like the taste. Introduce it slowly to see if they take to it.

How to Safely Feed Orange Peels to Pigs

If you decide to feed orange peels to your pigs, here’s how to do it safely:

  1. Wash Thoroughly: Scrub the peels under running water to remove any pesticide residue and waxes. Organic oranges are a safer option.
  2. Cut Into Small Pieces: Orange peels can be tough and chewy. Cutting them into smaller pieces will make them easier for pigs to chew and digest.
  3. Start in Moderation: Introduce orange peels slowly and in small amounts to monitor how your pigs react. If they seem to enjoy it and show no signs of digestive distress, you can continue to offer them as an occasional treat.
  4. Mix with Other Foods: Some pigs might find the peels bitter, so mixing them with other fruits or vegetables can make them more palatable.

What If They Eat Too Much?

If your pigs end up consuming too many orange peels, keep an eye out for these symptoms:

  • Diarrhea or Loose Stools: Too much fiber or citrus can upset their stomach.
  • Refusal to Eat: If they don’t like the taste, they might start refusing food mixed with orange peels.

If these symptoms occur, scale back on orange peels and focus on their regular diet. If the problem persists, consult a veterinarian.

What Other Citrus Fruits Can Pigs Eat?

While pigs can eat orange peels in moderation, they can also enjoy other citrus fruits:

  • Oranges (Flesh): The fruit itself is more palatable and safer than the peel.
  • Tangerines: Less bitter than oranges, and pigs generally enjoy them.
  • Grapefruits: Can be fed in moderation, but the tartness might not be to every pig’s liking.


Orange peels can be a healthy, fiber-rich snack for pigs when fed properly and in moderation. Always wash the peels thoroughly, introduce them slowly, and observe how your pigs respond. As with any treat, balance and variety are key to a healthy pig diet. Next time you’re enjoying an orange, don’t be afraid to share a bit with your pig friends—but just make sure it’s done safely!

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